Do You Desire To Make Money From Paid Survey As A Nigerian

Do You Desire To Make Money From Paid Survey As A Nigerian ... Then Quickly Read This Article & Start Making Money Easily Online Taking Paid Survey & Cash Your Money In Your Bank Account Right Here In Nigeria What Are Surveys? Simply put, surveys are simple questions asked to ascertain a fact or to get a data. Online Survey – That’s taking surveys online. This is a situation where companies pay you for your opinion about their products or services. It’s one of the ways to make dollars with little or no money. Many Nigerians still believe that one cannot make money from survey. That's a blatant lie! The truth is that you can make good money in survey if you have the key.The key is nothing but the right information! This article tend to treat all the prerequisite for making it big from survey job: THINGS YOU SHOULD HAVE BEFORE VENTURING INTO SURVEY BIZ: 1. A Foreign Address: You need a foreign address preferably US Address. The reason for this is that most paying survey sites do not accept Nigerians. you need a foreign address to be able to take part in such surveys. Even for the surveys that accept Nigerians, using a Nigerian address will make you receive lesser surveys, hence you make less money.Use a virtual address: Brother[ maybe sister], This is the most important aspect of the whole deal. Listen 98% of online survey jobs will not be sent to you, if you use a Nigerian address. This is a secret may don't know. Miss this part and I doubt if you will make more than $30 in the whole of this month. I will explain in a separate topic how you can get a foreign address with ease. 2. Payment Option: The main payment option most Survey site use is either PAYPAL or BY CHECK. You will need to open a paypal account to use in receiving your earnings from these survey sites. For survey sites that pay via check, there is a way out. do not bother yet, I am going to let you in on the insider information towards opening and managing a paypal account securely from Nigeria. I will also be treating the easiet way to receive your checks in Nigeria here. All these will be in a separate page. 3. A US phone number: To get this, go to or and you'll get a free US phone number. This number does not ring directly on your phone, rather it sends all your calls as voice mail to your email which you can later listen to with your ear phone. 4. You will need to change your IP: You will be taking part in most surveys as a US citizen, hence you're not required to take surveys from a Nigerian IP to avoid been banned. I advise that before you take survey, first check the IP location of the computer you are using. You can do this by typing in and you'll be able to see the location of your ISP. If your ISP is not US, it's strongly advise you take survey using proxy like,, Once you're at any of these site, you will find a space to type in the url of the survey site, type it in and access the survey site from there. However, the above IP changers are temporary. If you need a permanent IP changing software, you can get one from me at a very low rate. Call for more details. 5. Fill the Registration Form Completely: Nobody is a fool, especially a large corporation like survey companies. When registering, ensure you put in your full and original information correctly. This is the secret that many Nigerians don't know about online survey. For example if while registering is a survey company, you are asked what field you are into, and you choose an Internet user. The truth is when a survey job that is related to a health product is available it will not be sent to you. Unfortunately you cannot escape this but ensure you put in your full and correct information. Use a different email address from the one that you are currently using so that when the jobs start coming they wont affect this other, depending on what you are doing with it anyway. 6. Be ready To Work Hard: As Hard Work Begets Success. Don't expect the survey job to do themselves. Always try your best to put the information you get from this blog into sincere practice if you really want to make money from survey business. Simply do your best and leave the rest for God! One sure thing is this: if you strictly follow the stipulations of this blog, you MUST earn some good dollars in the shortest possible time you can! No boasting Once you have the above in place, it will now be time to go into the biz proper. Below Are Few Of The List Of My Top Money Making Survey Sites...All Of Them Are FREE To Join. This website is your free key to getting paid to take online surveys, complete offers, read email and more. The websites listed in our directory have all been CONFIRMED to PAY OUT. Best of all, everything here is absolutely free! Be sure to read the strategies revealed in this blog for great information on maximizing your potential to making great money and great resources. What are you waiting for? Go get Paid! IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do not Click On The Survey Links, Instead Copy Link And Paste It In the browser page of any one your are using, then you will be able to access the site successfully. If you have installed the IP Changer software, then you can click on it and the page will open successfully for you to start making money.


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