Apple’s iOS 8 vs. Android Lollipop: Which Mobile OS is King?

Apple’s iOS 8 vs. Android Lollipop: Which Mobile OS is King?

The tech world has seen untold numbers of rivalries throughout the years. Windows vs. Mac, VHS vs. Betamax, Steve Ballmer vs. antiperspirant — these are the conflicts that have shaped our digital world. But in the new age of mobile tech, one rivalry stands out among all others: Google’s Android vs. Apple’s iOS.
And with Google just releasing its Android 5.0 Lollipop and Apple having debuted its iOS 8 just two short months ago, this battle is as fierce as ever.
To settle the score between these techno-titans, two of Yahoo Tech’s own entered the ring with the hopes of naming one OS the king of mobile. Representing Google’s Android and fighting out of the green corner is Dan Howley. And representing iOS and fighting out of the magical Space Gray corner is Alyssa Bereznak.
Which OS comes out on top? There’s only one way to find out. Let’s get it on!


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